Tolong di translate yaa Beliau selama menjabat sebagai koordinator bimbingan konseling tidak pernah merasakan susah,karena sudah menjadi tugas pokok seorang guru. Kendalanya, kalau siswa setelah dibimbing akan menunjukan perubahan hanya dalam 1-2 minggu. Setelah itu diulangi lagi pelanggaran-pelanggaran ringan. Senangnya, bisa berkumpul dan bertatap muka dengan teman-teman dan siswa. Cara Ningsih membimbing siswa tidak hanya sekali tetapi bertahap. Misal, siswa dalam kelas akan dicari tahu tempat tinggalnya, dimana siswa tinggal di lingkungan mudah pergaulan bebas, maka cenderung bisa terpancing oleh lingkungannya.
crisantyaHe long served as coordinator of counseling never felt difficult, because it is the fundamental duty of a teacher. The obstacles, if the student will be guided to show changes after only 1-2 weeks. After that repeated minor violations. Happy, can gather and meet face to face with friends and students. How to Ning guide students not only once but gradually. For example, students in the class will look for to know where he lives, where students live in the neighborhood easy promiscuity, it tends to be provoked by the environment.
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While being the coordinator of counseling guidance had never felt difficult in being one, since it's a main task for being a teacher. One of the obstacles is that students, after being guided, had only shown a difference in 1-2 weeks. Afterwards, students would repeat light violations against the school rules. The good thing is that the teacher can gather and face the students. Ningsih's way of guiding students is not only a one-step way but gradually. For example, a student in a class will be sought out about their information such as their living place, what community the student lives in which is a community with a high rate of promiscuity, then the student will be easily got affected by the community.
How to Ning guide students not only once but gradually. For example, students in the class will look for to know where he lives, where students live in the neighborhood easy promiscuity, it tends to be provoked by the environment.
Ningsih's way of guiding students is not only a one-step way but gradually. For example, a student in a class will be sought out about their information such as their living place, what community the student lives in which is a community with a high rate of promiscuity, then the student will be easily got affected by the community.