"hai,perkenalkan nama saya sherina. saya perwakilan dari regu melati kelas 5b. menurut saya pramuka itu hebat,baik,fantastic. pramuka membuat anak mandiri. saya cinta pramuka. pramuka itu hebat. pramuka itu funky. pramuka itu is the best..."
makasih sebelumnya.. diusahakan cepat di translate coz dikumpulkan besok nih...
caturrohma \"hi,may I introduce my name is sherina. I am a representative of the team jasmine it is class 5b. according to my scouts that great,good,fantastic. scouts make the children independent. I love the boy scouts. scouts that great. the boy scouts funky. the boy scouts is the best...\"
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klo ditambahin " pramuka oke. pramuka itu membuat saya dan teman teman saya disiplin. pramuka membuat saya ceria. "
hi,I want to introduce my name is sherina. I am a representative of the team jasmine it is class 5b. according to my scouts that great,good,fantastic. scouts make the children independent. I love the boy scouts. scouts that great. the boy scouts funky. the boy scouts is the best. scout's okay.scouts that make me and my friends discipline.scouts make me happy
Hay friends,my name is Sherina.I form Regu Melati class 5b.I think boyscout is great,nice,and fantastic.I love boyscout.
\"hi,may I introduce my name is sherina. I am a representative of the team jasmine it is class 5b. according to my scouts that great,good,fantastic. scouts make the children independent. I love the boy scouts. scouts that great. the boy scouts funky. the boy scouts is the best...\"
semoga membantu;)