Hello,my name's Yohana Yudiswara (ganti pake nama lengkap kamu) but people usually call me Yohana (ganti pake nama panggilanmu). I was born in Jakarta on July 12th 2003 (ganti pake tempat dan tanggal lahir kamu). I'm twelve years old (ganti pake umurmu). My hobbies are reading comic and playing music especially violin (sebutin hobimu). I wanna be a novelist,especially Korean Novelist because i like to share my story to many people out there and i've interested with writing story or poetry since i was on first grade of primary school (sebutin cita-citamu beserta alasannya) I have no brother and no sister (sebutin jumlah saudaramu). I live in Mandala 5 Street Cililitan (ganti pake alamatmu). I'm proud of myself can be the part of Maria Immaculata Marsudirini Cawang Junior High School (ganti pake nama SMP mu).
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