Tolong buatin perkapan tentang expresing of persuading and invitation
Autor en el sentido legal es siempre una fersona fisika(art ademas) ia lpi dicta una serie the normas generales aplicables a todo contrato de la reunion de diferentes autores cuya contribuction personal se funde creacion. de obras divulgadas en forma de libros o publicacions que estos efectos se asimelen ini yang persuading ini yang expresing father: hi,doni.come here and help me, please? dony: dont worry,dad.iam coming.what can ido for you ini yang invitation a:we are going to the cinema to watch you to join us,judith b:sorry,i cant join you. i havent done my biology homework which is due tomorrow morning a:thats okay.may be you can join us some other time.good luck with your home work
dony: dont worry,dad.iam coming.what can ido for you
ini yang invitation
a:we are going to the cinema to watch you to join us,judith
b:sorry,i cant join you. i havent done my biology homework which is due tomorrow morning
a:thats okay.may be you can join us some other time.good luck with your home work