Tolong buatin iklan tentang minuman buavita yang menarik dong bingung nih mau buat kayak mana
Do you want to buy Juice Buavita? You can come to my market, But you buy 3 flavor you can get discount 10% Buavita is good juice for healthy
Do you want, let's come my market. Market "Ranch"(diganti nama kamu boleh)
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This Juicy Water having so many vitamins. such as vitamin A, vitamin B, and such more. drink this and you'll be healty. Just like me. Many variant juice buavita that you can drink. such as Apples, mix berries, guava, and many others. i'll promise, you'll be very healty with this Juice.
You can come to my market,
But you buy 3 flavor
you can get discount 10%
Buavita is good juice for healthy
Do you want, let's come my market.
Market "Ranch"(diganti nama kamu boleh)