September 2018 1 24 Report
Tolong buatin 10 pertanyaan dan jawabannya dari cerita berikut ini.. kalau gabisa 10 juga gapapa ko :)


Once upon a time, there lived a famous sculpture in Tapanuli, North Sumatra. His name was Datu Panggana. He could carve wood into many things. One day, he got an inspiration to carve a wood into a statue of a beautiful woman.
Then, he put the statue in front of his house. It was not finished yet. The statue still had any clothes yet. Later, a young merchant passed by in front of the Delta Panggana's house. His name was Bao Partigatiga. He sold jewelries and clothes. He was very impressed by the beauty of the statue.
"She would be more beautiful by wearing my clothes," said Bao Partigatiga.
He then put on the clothes he wanted to sell on the statue. Bao Partigatiga was very pleased now. The statue looked like a real human. Then he left Datu Panggana's house. After that, a priest and his wife passed by. They were also impressed by the beauty of the statue.
"I want to pray to God to make her live like a real human. I want to make her as our daughter," said the priest to his wife.
The couple had any children yet. Their dream came true. The statue had changed into a very beautiful girl. The priest and his wife then took the girl home. They named her Nai Manggale. The news about Nai Manggale spread very fast. All the villagers came to the priest's house to see Nai Manggale.
Among them were Datu Panggana and Bao Partigatiga.
Datu Panggana said, "She has to stay in my house. The statue was mine."
But, Bao Partigatiga also claimed the same thing.
"She is wearing my clothes. So, she has to stay in my house."
The priest did not want to lose Nai Manggale.
"Remember, I am the one who made her live like a human. So, she stays here."
Those three men then were busy arguing. They claimed to have the rights of Nai Manggale. To calm them, an elderly of the village gave a solution. His name was Aji Bahir.
"You all can have her and have a relationship with her. Datu Panggana, you are her uncle. Bao Partigatiga, you are her brother. And you the priest, you are her father."
The three men accepted Aji Bahir's advice. And now they were happy because they all could ask her to stay in their houses. Besides that, now those three men were related.

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Tolong buatin 5 pertanyaan beserta jawabannya dari cerita berikut ini: DATU PANGGANA Once upon a time, there lived a famous sculpture in Tapanuli, North Sumatra. His name was Datu Panggana. He could carve wood into many things. One day, he got an inspiration to carve a wood into a statue of a beautiful woman. Then, he put the statue in front of his house. It was not finished yet. The statue still had any clothes yet. Later, a young merchant passed by in front of the Delta Panggana's house. His name was Bao Partigatiga. He sold jewelries and clothes. He was very impressed by the beauty of the statue. "She would be more beautiful by wearing my clothes," said Bao Partigatiga. He then put on the clothes he wanted to sell on the statue. Bao Partigatiga was very pleased now. The statue looked like a real human. Then he left Datu Panggana's house. After that, a priest and his wife passed by. They were also impressed by the beauty of the statue. "I want to pray to God to make her live like a real human. I want to make her as our daughter," said the priest to his wife. The couple had any children yet. Their dream came true. The statue had changed into a very beautiful girl. The priest and his wife then took the girl home. They named her Nai Manggale. The news about Nai Manggale spread very fast. All the villagers came to the priest's house to see Nai Manggale. Among them were Datu Panggana and Bao Partigatiga. Datu Panggana said, "She has to stay in my house. The statue was mine." But, Bao Partigatiga also claimed the same thing. "She is wearing my clothes. So, she has to stay in my house." The priest did not want to lose Nai Manggale. "Remember, I am the one who made her live like a human. So, she stays here." Those three men then were busy arguing. They claimed to have the rights of Nai Manggale. To calm them, an elderly of the village gave a solution. His name was Aji Bahir. "You all can have her and have a relationship with her. Datu Panggana, you are her uncle. Bao Partigatiga, you are her brother. And you the priest, you are her father." The three men accepted Aji Bahir's advice. And now they were happy because they all could ask her to stay in their houses. Besides that, now those three men were related.
Tolong cariin kata benda, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan yang mana aja??? dan dalam cerita itu ada 1 kalimat past tense kalimatnya yang mana???The Legend of Bagga StoneONCE upon a time in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, lived a man with his son in a hut. The man’s name was Intobu and his son’s name was Impalak. Intobu’s wife passed away when Impalak was a baby. Impalak was a diligent and obedient son. Intobu and Impalak were fishermen and they were poor. They did not have a big ship to go fishing. They only used a small sampan. They really wanted to have a big ship so they could have a lot of fish. The local people there named thebig ship as bagga. Impalak wanted to be rich. He asked permission from his father to leave him to find better life. Though it was very diffi cult, his father let him go. Impalak promised to his father that he would come back after he was rich. Impalak went to a port. He saw a bagga. He came to the owner and said, “May I join you to sail in your bagga? I will work hard, Sir,” said Impalak. The owner agreed. He let Impalak join his bagga. Impalak was happy. His dream to be a rich man would soon come true.Impalak worked very hard. The bagga’s owner was very happy with him. Impalak was also skillful in fi shing. After Impalak joined, they always got a lot of fish. The bagga’s owner planned to ask Impalak to marry his daughter. So when they arrived in the bagga’s owner place, they held a wedding. Impalak’s dream really came true. He was a rich man and he had a big bagga! Several years had passed, but Impalak never returned home. Sadly he already forgot his promise to his father. In the mean time, Impalak’s father, Intobu, always thought of his son. Everyday he went to the port. Whenever a bagga came, he always looked for him. But he never found his son. One day Impalak’s wife asked Impalak to sail in his bagga. Stormed attacked and it accidentally arrived in Impalak’s hometown. Intobu saw a big bagga. He felt that Impalak was inside the bagga. And he was right! Impalak was there!“Impalak? Impalak?“ said his father. “I’m your father!” “Who is that old man?” asked Impalak’s wife. “I don’t know. Maybe he is just an old crazy man,” said Impalak.Actually he recognized his father. But he was ashamed with his wife. “Go away, you crazy man! You are not my father!” said Impalak. “Impalak?. Wait for me!” Intobu rowed his sampan. He wanted to meet his son. However, Impalak asked his crew to leave. They left Intobu. Intobu was very sad. He knew Impalak had already forgotten him. He prayed to God to punish him.Again storm attacked Impalak’s bagga. This time it was very hard. Finally the bagga was stranded. Slowly the bagga turned into a big stone. Until now the stone is still in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi. People named the stone as Bagga Stone.
Tolong bantu saya yang merasa pintar dalam mapel bahasa inggris ;) kata yang termasuk kata sifat, kata benda, dan kata keterangan yang mana aja????dan contoh 1 kalimat past tense kalimat yang mana????The Legend of Bagga StoneONCE upon a time in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, lived a man with his son in a hut. The man’s name was Intobu and his son’s name was Impalak. Intobu’s wife passed away when Impalak was a baby. Impalak was a diligent and obedient son. Intobu and Impalak were fishermen and they were poor. They did not have a big ship to go fishing. They only used a small sampan. They really wanted to have a big ship so they could have a lot of fish. The local people there named thebig ship as bagga. Impalak wanted to be rich. He asked permission from his father to leave him to fi nd better life. Though it was very diffi cult, his father let him go. Impalak promised to his father that he would come back after he was rich. Impalak went to a port. He saw a bagga. He came to the owner and said, “May I join you to sail in your bagga? I will work hard, Sir,” said Impalak. The owner agreed. He let Impalak join his bagga. Impalak was happy. His dream to be a rich man would soon come true.Impalak worked very hard. The bagga’s owner was very happy with him. Impalak was also skillful in fi shing. After Impalak joined, they always got a lot of fish. The bagga’s owner planned to ask Impalak to marry his daughter. So when they arrived in the bagga’s owner place, they held a wedding. Impalak’s dream really came true. He was a rich man and he had a big bagga! Several years had passed, but Impalak never returned home. Sadly he already forgot his promise to his father. In the mean time, Impalak’s father, Intobu, always thought of his son. Everyday he went to the port. Whenever a bagga came, he always looked for him. But he never found his son. One day Impalak’s wife asked Impalak to sail in his bagga. Stormed attacked and it accidentally arrived in Impalak’s hometown. Intobu saw a big bagga. He felt that Impalak was inside the bagga. And he was right! Impalak was there!“Impalak? Impalak?“ said his father. “I’m your father!” “Who is that old man?” asked Impalak’s wife. “I don’t know. Maybe he is just an old crazy man,” said Impalak.Actually he recognized his father. But he was ashamed with his wife. “Go away, you crazy man! You are not my father!” said Impalak. “Impalak?. Wait for me!” Intobu rowed his sampan. He wanted to meet his son. However, Impalak asked his crew to leave. They left Intobu. Intobu was very sad. He knew Impalak had already forgotten him. He prayed to God to punish him.Again storm attacked Impalak’s bagga. This time it was very hard. Finally the bagga was stranded. Slowly the bagga turned into a big stone. Until now the stone is still in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi. People named the stone as Bagga Stone.
Please Help me ....!!!!!!!!!tolong cariin "KATA" dari cerita "Bagga Stone" di bawah ini yg ada kata benda, sifat, dan keterangan. kata yang mana aja ...The Legend of Bagga StoneONCE upon a time in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, lived a man with his son in a hut. The man’s name was Intobu and his son’s name was Impalak. Intobu’s wife passed away when Impalak was a baby. Impalak was a diligent and obedient son. Intobu and Impalak were fishermen and they were poor. They did not have a big ship to go fishing. They only used a small sampan. They really wanted to have a big ship so they could have a lot of fish. The local people there named thebig ship as bagga. Impalak wanted to be rich. He asked permission from his father to leave him to fi nd better life. Though it was very diffi cult, his father let him go. Impalak promised to his father that he would come back after he was rich. Impalak went to a port. He saw a bagga. He came to the owner and said, “May I join you to sail in your bagga? I will work hard, Sir,” said Impalak. The owner agreed. He let Impalak join his bagga. Impalak was happy. His dream to be a rich man would soon come true.Impalak worked very hard. The bagga’s owner was very happy with him. Impalak was also skillful in fi shing. After Impalak joined, they always got a lot of fish. The bagga’s owner planned to ask Impalak to marry his daughter. So when they arrived in the bagga’s owner place, they held a wedding. Impalak’s dream really came true. He was a rich man and he had a big bagga! Several years had passed, but Impalak never returned home. Sadly he already forgot his promise to his father. In the mean time, Impalak’s father, Intobu, always thought of his son. Everyday he went to the port. Whenever a bagga came, he always looked for him. But he never found his son. One day Impalak’s wife asked Impalak to sail in his bagga. Stormed attacked and it accidentally arrived in Impalak’s hometown. Intobu saw a big bagga. He felt that Impalak was inside the bagga. And he was right! Impalak was there!“Impalak? Impalak?“ said his father. “I’m your father!” “Who is that old man?” asked Impalak’s wife. “I don’t know. Maybe he is just an old crazy man,” said Impalak. Actually he recognized his father. But he was ashamed with his wife.“Go away, you crazy man! You are not my father!” said Impalak. “Impalak?. Wait for me!” Intobu rowed his sampan. He wanted to meet his son. However, Impalak asked his crew to leave. They left Intobu. Intobu was very sad. He knew Impalak had already forgotten him. He prayed to God to punish him.Again storm attacked Impalak’s bagga. This time it was very hard. Finally the bagga was stranded. Slowly the bagga turned into a big stone. Until now the stone is still in Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi. People named the stone as Bagga Stone.

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