I had my most memorable adolescence when I was fourteen. I called it memorable because everything happened in that era.
Event (Series of Events):
First, I had a breakout. Acne showed up on my entire face, especially my cheek. I was afraid to come out of my house and meet my friends as I was so embarrassed with my skin condition.
Second, I had a crush. But since my face was covered by acne, I have to let my crush go without even try to know him.
Third, because of my acne, I got bullied at school.
I was sad. Fortunately, Mom gave me good medicine to get rid of the acne. It takes quite a while until my face is clean from the acne, so I promised myself to wash my face before sleep so the acne won't come back.
That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there were still lots of good experience too.
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan miring merupakan materi pembelajaran Personal Recount Text (teks pengalaman pribadi) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Text organization of recount text:
Orientation (orientasi): berisi tentang pengenalan mengenai latar belakang cerita, kapan , dimana dan orang-orang yang trerlibat di dalam cerita
Event: merupakan rangkaian kejadian di dalam cerita yang di ceritakan secara kronologis
Reorientation: kesimpulan yang merupakan komentar penulis mengenai kejadian
Recount Text:
Event (Series of Events):
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan miring merupakan materi pembelajaran Personal Recount Text (teks pengalaman pribadi) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Text organization of recount text:
Semoga membantu ya.