Saya anak pertama dari dua bersaudara , hobi saya bermain game dan jogging , makanan kesukaan saya adalah nasi goreng dan minuman kesukaan saya adalah jus alpukat ,
I was the first child of two children, my hobbies is gaming and jogging, my favorite food is fried rice and my favorite drink is avocado juice.
semoga membantu :)
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soranikiI am the first child of two brothers/sisters [atau bisa two childrens], I'm interested in playing games and jogging, my favorite food is fried rice and my favorite drink is avocado juice...
notebook utk mu : tentang hobi itu tidak harus di tulis / di ketik dengan "My hobby / hobbies are....", tetapi juga bisa "I'm interested to ....", "I like to .... ", "my favorite activity/activities is/are ... "
semoga membantu :)
notebook utk mu : tentang hobi itu tidak harus di tulis / di ketik dengan "My hobby / hobbies are....", tetapi juga bisa "I'm interested to ....", "I like to .... ", "my favorite activity/activities is/are ... "