The cattles fields are brought in the fields twice a day
They are used to pull ploughs and craft
Fabrics also can be made of plastic
Borobudur is well known all over the world
Payung geulis is made of paper
Passive voice adalah bentuk kalimat yang di dalamnya terdapat Subject yang diberi aksi atau tindakan oleh agent. Pola dasar Kalimat Passive adalah Be + V3.
Perintah soal: Arrange this this words into good arrangement passive voice
Susun kata-kata ini ke dalam susunan kalimat pasif yang baik
1. Brought in - the cattles - twice a day-are - the fields - fields.
Answer : the cattles fields are brought in the fields twice a day
Translate : ladang ternak dibawa ke ladang dua kali sehari
Structure :
Subject ➡️ The cattles fields
Be ➡️ are
V3 ➡️ brought
Complement ➡️ in the fields twice a day
2. Used - to - they- ploughs - pull - are - craft - and.
Answer: They are used to pull ploughs and craft
Translate: Mereka digunakan untuk menarik bajak dan kerajinan
Subject ➡️ They
Be ➡️ are
V3 ➡️ used
To + V1 ➡️ to pull
Object ➡️ ploughs and craft
3. Can be- fabrics made -of also - plastic.
Answer: Fabrics also can be made of plastic
Translate: Kain juga bisa dibuat dari plastik
Subject ➡️ Fabrics
Modal can ➡️ can
Be + V3 ➡️ be made
Complement ➡️ of plastic
4. Is - all -Borobudur - well known - over the world.
Answer : Borobudur is well known all over the world
Verified answer
Passive voice adalah bentuk kalimat yang di dalamnya terdapat Subject yang diberi aksi atau tindakan oleh agent. Pola dasar Kalimat Passive adalah Be + V3.
Perintah soal: Arrange this this words into good arrangement passive voice
1. Brought in - the cattles - twice a day-are - the fields - fields.
Answer : the cattles fields are brought in the fields twice a day
Translate : ladang ternak dibawa ke ladang dua kali sehari
Structure :
2. Used - to - they- ploughs - pull - are - craft - and.
Answer: They are used to pull ploughs and craft
Translate: Mereka digunakan untuk menarik bajak dan kerajinan
3. Can be- fabrics made -of also - plastic.
Answer: Fabrics also can be made of plastic
Translate: Kain juga bisa dibuat dari plastik
4. Is - all -Borobudur - well known - over the world.
Answer : Borobudur is well known all over the world
Translate: Borobudur terkenal di seluruh dunia
5. Made - Payung geulis - is - of - paper.
Answer: Payung geulis is made of paper
Translate: Payung geulis terbuat dari kertas
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Kata Kunci: Arrange this this words into good arrangement passive voice