Tolong bantu isi yah! Gambar di bawah ini mana yang termasuk 1. Name of the product 2. Content 3. Description 4. Ingredients 5. Directions to use 6. Directions to store 7. Expiration date
1. nama produck= warna biru 2.content = warna merah 3.description= warna orange 4. ingridients= hitam 5. direct to use = ungu 6. direct to store = putih 7.exp = tidak ad
gambar 2
1. name = merah 2. content= oatmeal bread 3. description = orange 4. ingridients= kuning 5. direct to use = tidak ad 6. direct to store = tidak ad 7. exp= tidak ad
1. nama produck= warna biru
2.content = warna merah
3.description= warna orange
4. ingridients= hitam
5. direct to use = ungu
6. direct to store = putih
7.exp = tidak ad
gambar 2
1. name = merah
2. content= oatmeal bread
3. description = orange
4. ingridients= kuning
5. direct to use = tidak ad
6. direct to store = tidak ad
7. exp= tidak ad