Tolong bantu bhs inggris 1 - 5 _____________________
1. What kind of text is it ? 2. What does the text tell us about ? 3. How many generic structure are in the text ? mention ! 4. What do people in the world call Indonesia is the largest archipago in the world ? 5. They are useful for our health the underimead wor ers to
1.Description teks
4..Because,there are more than 17 thousand islands in indonesia
1. What kind of text is it ?
(Jenis apa teks itu)
= Descriptive Text
(Teks deskripsi)
2. What does the text tell us about ?
(Apa yg diceritakan teks itu pada kita?)
= The Text tells us about Indonesia
(Teks itu menceritakan kita tentang Indonesia)
3. How many generic structure are in the text ? mention !
(Berapa generic structure dalam teks? Sebutkan!)
= There are two generic structures.
(Ada 2 generic structure)
1) identification (berisi hal2 umum)
2) Description (berisi hal2 spesifik)
4. What do people in the world call Indonesia is the largest archipago in the world ?
(Apakah orang2 di dunia menyebut negara Indonesia sebagai kepulauan terbesar?)
= Yes They do.
(Iya, mereka bilang begitu)
*kecuali ditanyakan WHY (kenapa)
WHY do people in the world call Indonesia is the largest archipago in the world ?
(kenapa orang2 di dunia menyebut negara Indonesia sebagai kepulauan terbesar?)
maka Jawaban:
= because, there are more than 17 thousand islands in Indonesia
(Karena ada lebih dari 17ribu pulau di Indonesia)
5. They are useful for our health the underlined word refers to
(Mereka sangat berguna/bermanfaat utk kesehatan kita, kata “they” yg digarisbawahi mengacu pada?)
= spices (rempah2/bumbu)
* Jawaban dari teks paragraph keenam
=== Semoga Membantu ===
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas: SD
Materi: Descriptive Text
Kode Mapel: 5