Tolong artikan ke inggris dg grammar yg benar ya kakak Sebenarnya kita ini bangsa yang menganut paham demokrasi, bukan sosialis ataupun komunis. Tapi apa yang terjadi di lapangan tak mencerminkan makna demokrasi itu sendiri. Jika kalian ditanya apa paham kita? tentulah kalian menjawab dg sigapnya bersua .... demokrasi. Cobalah utk memahami diri kalian masing -masing. Demokrasi tak seperti hal yag sangat sederhana bagai hanya mwmbacanya saja dalam undang-undang. Namun juga harus disertai jiwa yang tulus serta suci dalam menjalankan segala tangging jawab kita sebagai seseorang dalam masyarakat. Jadi, jangan bersikap sosialis dg mengelompok -lompokkan manusia berdasarkan hal-hal yg kalian anggap itu adalah perbedaan yg jadi masalah. Berpikirlah yg jernih. Terimakasih
Mungkin tidak sempurna, tapi dari saya sendiri
We are a democratic nation, we are neither socialist nor communist. But what happens in real life does not reflect the definition of Democracry itself. If you're asked, "What is your ideology?" of course we'd answer "Democracry!" quickly.
Try to reason yourselves. Democracry is not as simple as reading it in the law. But aslo needs a heartfelt and honest intention in doing every responsibility as one folk. Thus, don't act as a socialist by grouping people according to their differences that you think would be a problem.
We are a democratic nation, we are neither socialist nor communist.
But what happens in real life does not reflect the definition of Democracry itself. If you're asked, "What is your ideology?" of course we'd answer "Democracry!" quickly.
Try to reason yourselves. Democracry is not as simple as reading it in the law. But aslo needs a heartfelt and honest intention in doing every responsibility as one folk. Thus, don't act as a socialist by grouping people according to their differences that you think would be a problem.
Think Clearly
Thank you