Tolong artikan ke bahasa inggris : 1) Fifi : "Selamat pagi pak ilham, saya akan menyampaikan kalau hari ini ada jadwal meeting dengan pak Karisma dari PT Kencana pukul 10.00" 2) Ilham : "okey, saya akan segera kesana. Apakah ada lagi yang mau disampaikan?" 3) Fifi : "Tidak pak, hanya itu saja yang saya sampaikan" 4 Ilham : "Okey, oh ya tolong nanti sekalian bawakan file tentang materinya." 5) Fifi : "Baik pak" 6) Fifi : "Permisi pak, bapak sudah ditunggui oleh pak Karisma, pak Seto dan karyawan divisi pemasaran di ruang meeting" 7) Ilham : "Tolong sampaikan kepada mereka sebentar lagi saya kesana" 8) Fifi : "Baik pak, saya permisi dulu." 9) Ilham : "Iya silahkan." 10) Fifi : "Selamat siang semua. baiklah dalam pertemuan rapat ini kita akan membahas tentang produk baru kami yang waktu lalu tender ini telah dimenangkan oleh pak Karisma dari PT Kencana. Untuk itu kepada pak Karisma untuk memberikan ide-ide terbaiknya." 11) Karisma : Okey terima kasih kepada Fifi. Coklat biasanya identik dengan anak-anak. Bagaimana jika kita bikin kemasan dengan animasi-animasi yang menarik?" 12) Ilham : "Permisi, maat kepada bapak Karisma saya kurang setuju dengan pendapat anda pasalnya penikmat coklat bukan hanya anak-anak tetapi juga remaja,dewasa bahkan orang tua pun menyukainya" 13) Karisma : "hmm. Bagaimana dengan pendapat pak Ryan" 14) Ryan :"Pendapat saya, boleh saja memakai kemasan dengan animasi-animasi yang menarik tetapi kita juga harus memperhatikan kandungan gizi dan rasanya" 15) Karisma : "Saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat pak Ryan, menurut kalian apakah rasa coklat yang akan kita pasarkan nanti itu identik dengan rasa coklat asli atau harus ada campuran rasa lain? SDipersilahkan kepada Fifi dan karyawan divisi pemasaran untuk mengasih pendapat."
ruthesteryoonke1 ) Fifi : "Good morning sir inspiration , I would submit that today there is a meeting scheduled with Charisma pack of PT Kencana at 10:00 " 2 ) Inspiration : " Okay, I 'll be right there . Has anyone else would be delivered ? " 3 ) Fifi : "No sir , that's all I have to say " 4 Inspiration : " Okay , oh yes please 'll bring all the files on the material . " 5 ) Fifi : " Well sir " 6 ) Fifi : " Excuse me sir , the father was attended by Mr. Charisma , Mr. Seto and marketing division employees in the meeting room " 7 ) Inspiration : " Please tell them I was there in a minute " 8 ) Fifi : " Well sir , excuse me . " 9 ) Inspiration : "Yes please . " 10 ) Fifi : " Good afternoon all . Well in meeting this meeting we will discuss about our new products that last time the tender was won by Mr. Charisma of PT Kencana . Therefore to Mr. Charisma to give his best ideas . " 11 ) Charisma : Okay thank you to Fifi . Brown is usually synonymous with the kids . What if we make the packaging attractive animations ? " 12 ) Inspiration : " Excuse me , denomination to Mr. Charisma I do not agree with your opinion of the article of chocolate lovers not only children but also teenagers , adults and even parents also loved it " 13 ) Charisma : " hmm . How to pack opinion of Ryan " 14 ) Ryan : " My opinion , it is okay to wear packs with attractive animations but we also have to pay attention to the nutritional content and taste " 15 ) Charisma : " I strongly agree with the opinions pack Ryan , do you think if we are going to taste chocolate marketed later was identical to the original chocolate flavor or there should be a mix of other flavors ? SDipersilahkan to Fifi and marketing divisions for employees to love opinions. "
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mirandalaurensi1 ) Fifi : "Good morning sir inspiration , I would submit that today there is a meeting scheduled with Charisma pack of PT Kencana at 10:00 " 2 ) Inspiration : " Okay, I 'll be right there . Has anyone else would be delivered ? " 3 ) Fifi : "No sir , that's all I have to say " 4 Inspiration : " Okay , oh yes please 'll bring all the files on the material . " 5 ) Fifi : " Well sir " 6 ) Fifi : " Excuse me sir , the father was attended by Mr. Charisma , Mr. Seto and marketing division employees in the meeting room " 7 ) Inspiration : " Please tell them I was there in a minute " 8 ) Fifi : " Well sir , excuse me . " 9 ) Inspiration : "Yes please . " 10 ) Fifi : " Good afternoon all . Well in meeting this meeting we will discuss about our new products that last time the tender was won by Mr. Charisma of PT Kencana . Therefore to Mr. Charisma to give his best ideas . " 11 ) Charisma : Okay thank you to Fifi . Brown is usually synonymous with the kids . What if we make the packaging attractive animations ? " 12 ) Inspiration : " Excuse me , denomination to Mr. Charisma I do not agree with your opinion of the article of chocolate lovers not only children but also teenagers , adults and even parents also loved it " 13 ) Charisma : " hmm . How to pack opinion of Ryan " 14 ) Ryan : " My opinion , it is okay to wear packs with attractive animations but we also have to pay attention to the nutritional content and taste " 15 ) Charisma : " I strongly agree with the opinions pack Ryan , do you think if we are going to taste chocolate marketed later was identical to the original chocolate flavor or there should be a mix of other flavors ? SD excuse to Fifi and marketing divisions for employees to love opinions. "
2 ) Inspiration : " Okay, I 'll be right there . Has anyone else would be delivered ? "
3 ) Fifi : "No sir , that's all I have to say "
4 Inspiration : " Okay , oh yes please 'll bring all the files on the material . "
5 ) Fifi : " Well sir "
6 ) Fifi : " Excuse me sir , the father was attended by Mr. Charisma , Mr. Seto and marketing division employees in the meeting room "
7 ) Inspiration : " Please tell them I was there in a minute "
8 ) Fifi : " Well sir , excuse me . "
9 ) Inspiration : "Yes please . "
10 ) Fifi : " Good afternoon all . Well in meeting this meeting we will discuss about our new products that last time the tender was won by Mr. Charisma of PT Kencana . Therefore to Mr. Charisma to give his best ideas . "
11 ) Charisma : Okay thank you to Fifi . Brown is usually synonymous with the kids . What if we make the packaging attractive animations ? "
12 ) Inspiration : " Excuse me , denomination to Mr. Charisma I do not agree with your opinion of the article of chocolate lovers not only children but also teenagers , adults and even parents also loved it "
13 ) Charisma : " hmm . How to pack opinion of Ryan "
14 ) Ryan : " My opinion , it is okay to wear packs with attractive animations but we also have to pay attention to the nutritional content and taste "
15 ) Charisma : " I strongly agree with the opinions pack Ryan , do you think if we are going to taste chocolate marketed later was identical to the original chocolate flavor or there should be a mix of other flavors ? SDipersilahkan to Fifi and marketing divisions for employees to love opinions. "
2 ) Inspiration : " Okay, I 'll be right there . Has anyone else would be delivered ? "
3 ) Fifi : "No sir , that's all I have to say "
4 Inspiration : " Okay , oh yes please 'll bring all the files on the material . "
5 ) Fifi : " Well sir "
6 ) Fifi : " Excuse me sir , the father was attended by Mr. Charisma , Mr. Seto and marketing division employees in the meeting room "
7 ) Inspiration : " Please tell them I was there in a minute "
8 ) Fifi : " Well sir , excuse me . "
9 ) Inspiration : "Yes please . "
10 ) Fifi : " Good afternoon all . Well in meeting this meeting we will discuss about our new products that last time the tender was won by Mr. Charisma of PT Kencana . Therefore to Mr. Charisma to give his best ideas . "
11 ) Charisma : Okay thank you to Fifi . Brown is usually synonymous with the kids . What if we make the packaging attractive animations ? "
12 ) Inspiration : " Excuse me , denomination to Mr. Charisma I do not agree with your opinion of the article of chocolate lovers not only children but also teenagers , adults and even parents also loved it "
13 ) Charisma : " hmm . How to pack opinion of Ryan "
14 ) Ryan : " My opinion , it is okay to wear packs with attractive animations but we also have to pay attention to the nutritional content and taste "
15 ) Charisma : " I strongly agree with the opinions pack Ryan , do you think if we are going to taste chocolate marketed later was identical to the original chocolate flavor or there should be a mix of other flavors ? SD excuse to Fifi and marketing divisions for employees to love opinions. "
semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :)