Paru paru dunia ialah hutan, hutan memberi segalanya. Hutan memberi tempat tinggal pada hewan, hutan memberikan makanan buat hewan, dan hutan juga memberikan tempat perlindungan buat hewan. Jadi, kita harus menyayangi hutan, jangan engkau bakar, jangan pula engkai hancurkan, karena hutan itu begitu berarti bagi bumi ini.
R to animals, forests provide food for animals, and forests also provide a refuge for animals. So, we should cherish the forest, you do not burn, do not also engkai destroy it because it meant so much for this earth.
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The world's lungs are forests,giving everything.The forest provide shelter to animals,forests provide food for animals.So,we should cherish the forest,you do not burn,do thou also destroy it because it meant so much for this earth. semoga membantu,klo ada yg gak jelas tanya aja yah...
semoga membantu,klo ada yg gak jelas tanya aja yah...