Tolong artiin k dalam bahasa inggris y, tapi tolong pakai bahasa yang formal. seperti "i would like" jangan "i want". sama tolong urutin sesuai paragraf biar saya gak bingung MOHON BANTUANNYA YA....>< di tunggu saat ini juga, penting soalnya, MAKASIH
Dewasa ini saya banyak melihat perubahan-perubahan dikalangan remaja, salah satunya adalah fashion yang mereka saat ini. Fashion merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat digemari banyak remaja saat ini khususnya untuk remaja perempuan, karena bagi mereka fashion dapat merubah penampilan mereka menjadi lebih baik dan menarik. Fashion remaja diantaranya pakaian, sepatu, manik-manik maupun riasan yang mereka gunakan.
Fashion lebih banyak digemari remaja perempuan. Yang pertama baju, dapat saya lihat baju yang mereka gunakan saat ini dalam berbagai macam bentuk dan model. Bahkan d
Iantara remaja perempuan saat ini banyak yang memakai baju dengan fashion dari berbagai Negara di dunia. Bahkan kebanyak dari mereka membeli produk asli Negara lain yang dijual di Indonesia walaupun harganya sangat mahal. Yang kedua sepatu,sepatu juga banyak digemari oleh remaja perempuan, karena bagi mereka fashion dilihat dari atas hingga bawah tubuh, karena itu bagi mereka sepatu sangat penting. Yang ketiga manik-manik, manik-manik yang dipakai remaja saat ini sangat bervariasi. Contohnya kalung, gelang dn anting-anting. Manik-manik merupakan sesuatu yang sangat popular di kalangan remaja, karena manik-manikdapat membantu penampilan merea menjadi lebih menarik. Yang keempat riasan, riasan adalh sesuatu yang sangat penting untuk remaja, karena jika kita memakai riasan, wajah kita akan terlihat leh cantik dan mempesona.
Namun fashin dikalangan remaja memiliki sisi negative. Seperti fashion baju yang saya pikir tidak seharusnya kita pakai. Contonya pakaian yang terlalu ketat dan pakaian yang transparan hingga bagian tubuh yang seharusnya tertutup dapat terlihat. Seringkali saya melihat rempuan memakai celana atau rok yang sangat mini. Fashion yang seperti ini sangat tidak baik, karena dapat merusak diri sendiri dan pandangan orang lain terutama laki-laki kepada kita sebagai perempuan.
Saya memiliki cerita yang menurut saya baik untuk kita amati. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya bercakap-cakap dengan laki-laki berumur 20 tahun dari Negara yang berbeda, namun saat ini dia tinggal di Indonesia. Saat itu dia bertanya kepada saya, apakah semua perempuan di indonesia selalu memakai fashon seperti di Negara-negara lain pada umumnya?karena menurut saya fashion dari Negara lain kurang baik untu Indonesia terutama untik berpakaian. Karena percakapan itu saya memiliki prinsip untuk mengubah pandangan orang-orang kepada remaja seperti saya. Saya ingin menunjukkan bahwa fashion dikalangan remaja bukan hanya dengan memakai baju ketat, baju yang transparan, maupun memakai celana dan rok yang sangay mini. Tapi walaupun kita memakai baju yang tertutup kita dapat dkatakan fashion.
Today I see a lot of changes among adolescents , one of which is the fashionthat they are current . Fashion is one thing that is very popularmany teens today, especially for girls , because for themfashion can change their appearance for the better and interesting . Fashionadolescents including clothing , shoes , beads and makeup that theyuse . Fashion more popular among girls . The first suit , canI see clothes that they use today in various forms andmodels . even d Iantara today many young women who wear clothes withfashion of various countries in the world . Even kebanyak of their purchaseOther countries original products that are sold in Indonesia although very expensive .The second shoe , the shoe is also liked by many young girls , becausefor those fashion viewed from top to bottom of the body , because it is forthose shoes are very important . The third beads , the beads were usedteenagers today are very varied . For example necklaces , bracelets earrings dn . Beadsis something that is very popular among teenagers , because the bead - manikdapathelp merea become more attractive appearance . The fourth makeup , makeupadalh something that is very important for teenagers , because if we putmakeup , your face will look beautiful and fascinating leh . However fashin amongteen has a negative side . Like fashion clothing which I think notshould we use . Contonya clothes that are too tight and clothestransparent to the covered body parts that should be visible .I often see women wearing pants or a mini skirt very .Fashion is like this is not very good , because it can be self-destructiveand the views of others , especially men to us as women . I have a storywhich I think is good for us to observe . Some time ago Iconversing with a man 20 years old from different countries ,but this time he lived in Indonesia . At that time he asked me ,whether all women in Indonesia are always wearing the fashions like in the Statesin general ? because I think fashion is less good than the other country untuIndonesia mainly recycle dress . Because the conversations I haveprinciple to change the views of those to teenagers like me . Iwanted to show that not only the fashion among adolescents usingleotards , transparent clothes , and wear pants and skirts that sangaymini . But even if we wear clothes that covered we can insayfashion .
Fashion more popular among girls . The first suit , canI see clothes that they use today in various forms andmodels . even d
Iantara today many young women who wear clothes withfashion of various countries in the world . Even kebanyak of their purchaseOther countries original products that are sold in Indonesia although very expensive .The second shoe , the shoe is also liked by many young girls , becausefor those fashion viewed from top to bottom of the body , because it is forthose shoes are very important . The third beads , the beads were usedteenagers today are very varied . For example necklaces , bracelets earrings dn . Beadsis something that is very popular among teenagers , because the bead - manikdapathelp merea become more attractive appearance . The fourth makeup , makeupadalh something that is very important for teenagers , because if we putmakeup , your face will look beautiful and fascinating leh .
However fashin amongteen has a negative side . Like fashion clothing which I think notshould we use . Contonya clothes that are too tight and clothestransparent to the covered body parts that should be visible .I often see women wearing pants or a mini skirt very .Fashion is like this is not very good , because it can be self-destructiveand the views of others , especially men to us as women .
I have a storywhich I think is good for us to observe . Some time ago Iconversing with a man 20 years old from different countries ,but this time he lived in Indonesia . At that time he asked me ,whether all women in Indonesia are always wearing the fashions like in the Statesin general ? because I think fashion is less good than the other country untuIndonesia mainly recycle dress . Because the conversations I haveprinciple to change the views of those to teenagers like me . Iwanted to show that not only the fashion among adolescents usingleotards , transparent clothes , and wear pants and skirts that sangaymini . But even if we wear clothes that covered we can insayfashion .