Uporzadkuj zdania i przepisz je, wstawiając some lub any.
my/didn't/parents/have/in the morning/cereal.
P.S. Prosze pomóżcie!!! Zadanie 3., strona 20 ćwiczenia, Maxi Taxi 3
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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We do not eat any rice and vegetables for breakfast.
I had for lunch some fast food.
My parents didn't have any cearl in the morning.
Does our teacher eat any meat?
I need some chocolate today.
Nie mam tego podręcznika, ale myslę że mimo tego pomogłam
We do aren' t eat ny rice and vegetables for breakfast.
I had for lunch some fast- food.
My parents didn' t have any cearl in the morning
does your teacher eat any meat?
I need some chocolate today.