To nie jest zadanie.Chce żeby ktoś sprawdził mi opis przedmiotu. Opis ma być w czasie Present Perfect. When I was ten years old my grandfather gave me the bicycle. It was my first bicycle. It was heavy and made of orange metal. It was six sitckers, black saddle and circles of size 24. It was reflectors on wheels and on the saddle. At the back was found orange boot. On the steering wheel was meter. I have used it for going with friends and to class tours. This bicycle has important for me because my grandfather gave me it. The bicycle has already old and it has in the basement.
Proszę o szczegółowe poprawienie moich błędów. Z góry dzięki.
When I was ten years old my grandfather gave me a bicycle. It was my first bicycle. It was heavy and made of an orange metal. It had six sitckers, black saddle and circles of size 24. It had reflectors on wheels and on a saddle. At the back it had an orange boot. On the steering wheel was a meter. I was using it for going out with friends and to class tours. This bicycle was important to me because my grandfather gave me it. The bicycle is old now and it is in the basement.
Za bardzo to czasu present perfect tu nie idzie użyć. Mówisz o rzeczach które były w przeszłości a perfectu używa sie do określania czynności które zaczęły sie w przeszłości i trwają do teraz lub zakończyły się dopiero co i widzimy ich skutki.
It was heavy and made of an orange metal. It had six sitckers, black saddle and circles of size 24. It had reflectors on wheels and on a saddle. At the back it had an orange boot. On the steering wheel was a meter. I was using it for going out with friends and to class tours.
This bicycle was important to me because my grandfather gave me it. The bicycle is old now and it is in the basement.
Za bardzo to czasu present perfect tu nie idzie użyć. Mówisz o rzeczach które były w przeszłości a perfectu używa sie do określania czynności które zaczęły sie w przeszłości i trwają do teraz lub zakończyły się dopiero co i widzimy ich skutki.