Change the sentences into questions.
1. _On Sundays_ we often go to the zoo . ( When ?)
2. I play ___the guitar__ after school. (What?)
3. My mother works ___in a bank___. ( Where?)
4. Michael knows a lot about __kangaroos___. (What?)
5. They always drink milk __ in the morning__ . (When?)
Rozwiążciee . .:D
Tee takiee kreski czyliii ____ oznaczają, że wyraz jest podkreślonyy . :d
Tylkoo nie wiedziałaamm jak to zrobićć . ; /
To jest ćw 2 ze str 62 czyli Revision w podręcznikuu dla klasyy 5 ,, Super Kids 1 " ..
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. _On Sundays_ we often go to the zoo . ( When ?) When we go to the zoo ?
2. I play ___the guitar__ after school. (What?) What do you play ?
3. My mother works ___in a bank___. ( Where?) Where does my mother work ?
4. Michael knows a lot about __kangaroos___. (What?) What does Michaels know ?
5. They always drink milk __ in the morning__ . (When?) When do we drink milk ?
When do we often go to the zoo?
What do you play after school?
Where does your mother work?
What do Michael know a lot about?
When do they always drink milk?