October 2018 1 26 Report


potrzebuje opis dzieła sztuki rembrandta ,,powrót syna marnotrawnego"

1.ogolne info o dziele (autor,tytuł,czas,technika,miejsce)



4.wygląd ,układ poszczególnych elementów

5.nastrój dzieła

6. wlasna opinia


charakterystyczne dla spisu (na pierwszym planie,w centrum, w tle)tego akurat nie czaje:D A OPRÓCZ TEGO POTRZEBUJE IMIĘ I NAZWISKO REMBRANDTA -PRAWDZIWE na jutro

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pomocy sporo zadan z anglika za google tłumacz zgłaszam nadużycie1zakreśl słowo które nie pasi do pozostałychstraight-curly-slim------->hairbeautyfull-bald-handsome-------->looksmedium-old-young-------->agedump-thin-short------->build2.przyporządkuj podane słowa do odpowiedniej kategorii:bored,confident,depresed,frightened,honest,of medium heigh,overwelght,polite.pretty,talkative,well-built,embarrasseda kategorie do tego to :feelings&emotions;Personality;appearance3.wybierz właściwe słowa ;Paul has got short ,spiky/bald/shoulder-lenght hair.mary bought a new linen/woollen/denimjumper for the winter.your cotton/leather/suede shoes are not appropriate for wet weather.sheila decided to go on a diet as she's a little fit/well-built/overweight.max wears comfortable sports/designer/old-fashioned wear when he goes jogging .kate is verycowardly/ambitious/pessimistic.she wants to be a succesfull doctor.you should wear a hat and cap/scarf/tie to keep yourself warm .luc is always honest/humorous/serious and never lies.4.a)dopasuuj1. go a) a picnic2. hang b) computer games3. listen c) photos4. chat d) online5. surf e) to the cinema6. play f) to music7. have g) out with friends8. take h) the net4b) z 4a dopasowac2. uzupelnij zdania z wyrazen we wlasciwej formie. : wyrazenia : go, hang, listen, chat, surf, play, have, take.1. when I ........ with my brother, I'm usually confident that I'II win.2. we ....... to watch a new comedy film last night .3/ john enjoys going to the country and ...... of the wildlife.4. stacy often stays in her room and ......... on the radio.5. we should make some sandwiches and ....... by the lake5. uzupełnij dialogi pytaniami z ramki 1. A: ..................B:12,buckley street2. A:..............B:she's tall and she's got long,dark hair.3.A:.............................B:i;m going horse riding with my sister.4A:.................B:he's sociable and he's very funny,too5A:..................B:in newcastle6A:..........B:i'll be sixteen in june 7A:...........B: a striped suit with a shirt and tie.8A:.................B:simon evans

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