September 2018 2 41 Report
To : all employees
effective date : july 29 2013
subject : staff uniform
each, employeeis riquired to wear a uniform during work hours. this will make it easier to distinguish staff members wear from customers.
women should wear a colorful blouse with black pants with black pants or a knee-length skirt. men should wear black pants with an orange or red T-shirt. No white,beige, or neutral colored tops, please.
1. who should wear black pants and an orange or red T-shirt ?
a. all employees
b. women employes
c. men employees
d. staff member
2. from the text above, we know that...
a. the announcement is for all employees and customers
b. the employees didn't wear a uniform before
c. the women and men amployees wear the same uniform
d. the costumers sholud wear uniforms
3. "this will make IT easier..."
the underlined word means..
a. employees
b. uniform
c. blouse
d. pants
4. what is the meaning of employee ?
a. people who paid workes a certain place
b. people who lead the school
c. people who manage the office
d. people who work at the market
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