Najlepszy golfista zarobił w zeszłym roku prawie 99 mln dol. Za cztery lata zgromadzi na koncie miliard. Branżowy magazyn "Golf Digest" szacuje w najnowszym numerze, że Amerykanin dostał w poprzednim sezonie 98,9 mln dol. Drugi na liście najlepiej opłacanych golfistów rodak Woodsa Phil Mickelson zainkasował "tylko" 44 mln dol.
Woods wygrał w 2006 r. osiem turniejów, w tym dwa wielkoszlemowe, co dało mu 12 mln dol. z nagród. Resztę, czyli ponad 86 mln dol, przyniosły mu kontrakty sponsorskie i reklamowe...
Best golfer earned last year almost 99 million dollars. After four years together account billion. Industry magazine "Golf Digest" estimates in the latest issue that the American got in the previous season, 98.9 million dollars. Second on the list of highest-paid golfers Phil Mickelson, Woods's compatriot having collected "only" 44 million dollars.
Woods won in 2006, eight tournaments, including two Slam, which gave him 12 million dollars. prizes. The rest, more than 86 million dollars, earned him sponsorship and advertising contracts.
golfer earned last year almost 99 million dollars. After four years
together account
Industry magazine "Golf Digest" estimates in the latest issue that the American got in the previous season, 98.9 million dollars. Second on the list of highest-paid golfers Phil Mickelson, Woods's compatriot having collected "only" 44 million dollars.
Woods won in 2006, eight tournaments, including two Slam, which gave him 12 million dollars. prizes. The rest, more than 86 million dollars, earned him sponsorship and advertising contracts.