Spójrz na informacje na temat hotelu, w którym przebywałeś. Napisz zdania, używając "there was/ there were" lub "there wasn't/ there werent"
Nie było tam : było tam:
showers car park
jacuzzi souvenir shops
video games video games
Jeśli mas z pisać z tłumacza, to nie, dziękuję
Dam naj ;)
Dzięki ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. In the bathrooms there weren't shower.
2. On outside there were a car park.
3. In all rooms there weren't video games.
4. There weren't any souvenir shops next to the hotel.
5. In my room there were a lot of video games.
6. In spa salon there weren't jacuzzi.
Chyba o to chodziło jeżeli nie to pisz. :)
There weren't showers here.
There weren't video games here.
There wasn't jacuzii here.
there was a car park here.
There were a souvenir shops here.
There were a video games here.