1. Complete the phrases with for or since.
For a long time.
1.________ I was 7 years old.
2.________ about four years.
3.________ six months.
4.________ I ate breakfast this morning.
5.________ last July.
6.________ a few days.
7.________ we went to their concert.
2.Write questions using the present perfect and how long. Then write answers using for and since.
you/live/here (about two years)
How long have you lived here ?
I've lived here for about two years.
1.you/know/Mike (we were six)
2.your uncle/be/a doctor (many years)
3. Clive/have/a pet dog (last Christmas)
4.they/follow/Menchester United (They saw them play live)
5.he/hold/the 100 meters record (the Olympics)
6.you/play/the piano (five years)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Since
2. for
4. since
5. since
6. for
7. since
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