The Danger of Air Pollution Thesis: In my opinion, air pollution is a serious problem and dangerous for people. How do I say so? Argument: First, air pollution contains carbon monoxide that can disrupt the respiratory system. Second, air pollution also can cause acid rain which is dangerous to humans, animals, plants, and even buildings. In addition, air pollution also contributes to global warming. Recommendation: Therefore, it’s clear that air pollution is dangerous and should be reduced as much as possible. Terjemahan: Bahaya dari Polusi Udara Thesis: Menurut opini saya, polusi udara merupakan salah satu masalah serius dan berbahaya bagi masyarakat. Mengapa saya berpendapat seperti ini? Argumen: Pertama, polusi udara mengandung karbon monoksida yang dapat mengganggu sistem pernafasan. Kedua, polusi udara juga dapat menyebabkan hujan asam yang berbahaya bagi manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, bahkan bangunan. Selain itu, polusi udara juga berkontribusi terhadap pemanasan global. Rekomendasi: Oleh karena itu, jelas sekali bahwa polusi udara berbahaya dan harus dikurangi sebanyak mungkin.
Note: Carbon monoxide interferes with breathing. Acid rain is dangerous for humans, animals, plants and buildings. Air pollution also contributes to global warming.
Impact: Danger to health and the environment.
Message: Air pollution needs to be reduced as much as possible
haii kamu, aku bantu jawab yaa
Mind Map
Problem: Air Pollution
Reminder: Air pollution is a serious problem.
Note: Carbon monoxide interferes with breathing. Acid rain is dangerous for humans, animals, plants and buildings. Air pollution also contributes to global warming.
Impact: Danger to health and the environment.
Message: Air pollution needs to be reduced as much as possible
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