April 2023 1 9 Report
The Crying Stone

Once upon the time, in Kalimantan Province, there lived an old widow with her daughter. To fulfill their daily needs, the old widow collected the fire wood in jungle and sold them. The daughter had a beautiful face, but she has a bad behavior. She always spent her time in front of the mirror to admire her beautiful face. She was a lazy girl, she never helped her mother.

One day, the old widow and her daughter went to the market in the village for shopping. Arriving at the market, most of the people were interested to the widow and her daughter. They were confused who they were because they never met them before. The widow dressed ugly, in the other hand, the daughter dressed beautifully.

When a man asked about who the old woman, the daughter answered that she was her servant. Hearing that statement, the widow was so sad but she accepted. In some minutes later, there was a man asked about the daughter and her mother. She told that her mother was her servant. Again and again the widow was so sad, but she wiped off her tears by her cloth. On the way to home, there was another man who asked about who she and her mother were. The daughter answered her mother was her servant. In the three times, the widow could not defend not only her tear but also her patient.

The widow prayed to God. "Oh My God, I do not defend with my daughter's mock. I am so sad Oh My God, punish her, this rebel daughter, punish her!" Suddenly, her daughter's legs turned into stone. The daughter cried and begged to her mother for forgiving her but it was too late. Slowly, her body also turned into stone. The widow only could hug the stone sadly. Though the daughter had become a stone, but the tears were still seen. It is why many people called the stone "the crying stone" (batu menangis).


1. What was the characteristic of the widow's daughter?

2. What is the main idea of third paragraph?

3. "Again and again the widow was so sad but *she wiped* off her tears by her cloth"? What is the synonym of the bold typed word?

4. ".....because _they_ never met them before." What does the underlined word refer to?

5. What is the moral message of the story?

pliss bantuin besok dikumpul , jangan ngasal poin nya banyak inii

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