November 2018 2 42 Report


This 250-metre-long jellyfish appeared in a corn field in Britain in June 2009.Corn circles like this appear in fields every year from April to July.The first corn circles appeared in the south of England in 1978.The first designs were simple circles.Then the designs became more complicated.Many people believed that spaceships or aliens made them.Others believed it was the rain and wind.They were a mystery.In the 1980s, corn circles became a popular tourist attraction.There was a film about the corn circles, called Signs, with Mel Gibson in it.The ilm was about dangerous aliens who made corn circles.After the,film thousands of American tourists came to Britain to see the corn circles! Who made the circles?Did aliens really make them?Nobody knew the answer.Then,in 1991, two British artists told the newspapers that they were the circle makers! Doug Bower and Dave Chorley said they made their first corn circle for fun in July 1979.They were surprised because nobody believed them! They weren't the only circle makers.Circles started appearing in other coumtries. Today, there are a lot of circle-making groups around the world.Theydraw the designs on computers and make them in gields at night.Many of the circles are beautiful works of art/The circle makers don't hide their activities today.But people still believe in aliens!

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SiemkaMam do przetłumaczenia 3 teksty.Translatory google będą zgłaszane.1.One afternoom, a tired old dog arrived at Mrs Smith's house. She was very surprised when it followed her and went to sleep by the fire. It slept for an hour and then left. This happened every day for two weeks. Mrs Smith was curious abouy the dog. Where was its home? Who were its owners? One day, she put a message on its collar. This dog sleeps at my house every afternoon. I'd like to know who its owner is. The next day the dog had another note on its collar, Bill lives in a house with six children. Two are babies, so Bill can't sleep at night. Can Icome with him tomorrow? A tired mum.2.One evening, three-year old Sam Ellis accidentally swallowed a 10p coin. He started to cream. What's wrong? asked hit mum. Poor Sam just screamed. Mrs Ellis was worried until she understood the problem. It isn't serious she said. But Sam didn't stop creaming. The Mr Ellis had an idea. He took a 10p coin out of his pocket and he pretended to takie it out of Sam's ear. Sam laughed and took the coin from his dad's hand. His horriefied parents watchen as he swallowed it! Do it again, Dad! he said.3.Mr Green was Julian's boss. One day, he invited Julian to dinner. JUlian arrived at seven o'clock. His boss opened the door. Julian went into the house and an old woman followed him. Julian was surpised because Mr Green didn't tell him the woman's name. Who was she? Was she Mr Green's mother? After dinner, the woman said goodbye and left. Mr Green's was very surprised. Is your mother walking home; he asked Julian. My mother? said Julian. I thought she was your mother!TRANSLATORY LUB NIE POPRAWNE ROZWIĄZANIA BĘDĄ ZGŁASZANE.

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