TEXTO DE VENTAJAS Y DESVENTAJAS DE LOS SIGUIENTES DEPORTES; FÚTBOL Y BMX CICLISMO . BMX CICLISMO Flatland BMX es el estilo más técnica de la equitación. Flatlanders hacer trucos en su bicicletas en piezas lisas y planas de asfalto, que es donde el estilo debe su nombre. Eso requiere un gran equilibrio, la agilidad y paciencia. Una bicicleta se utiliza en el aterrizaje plana tiene una o dos palos a los lados de las ruedas, que se utiliza para sujetar el cuerpo del piloto en su lugar. Las caídas pueden causar lesiones, especialmente en la cabeza. FÚTBOL Cientos de niños menores de 15 años son tratados cada año por lesiones relacionadas con el fútbol. Las lesiones en el fútbol son generalmente esguinces, torceduras y contusiones (hematomas), principalmente en el extremidades inferiores. lesiones en la cabeza han sido causados por colisiones de cabeza a cabeza, o golpear la cabeza en el poste de la portería. Escribe un párrafo acerca de las ventajas y desventajas de estos deportes.
Gammer13579BMX CYCLING Flatland BMX is the more technical style of riding. Flatlanders do tricks on your Bicycle smooth and flat pieces of asphalt, which is where the style is named. That It requires great balance, agility and patience. A bicycle is used has a flat landing or two sticks to the sides of the wheels, which is used to hold the pilot's body in place. Falls can cause injury, especially on the head. FOOTBALL Hundreds of children under 15 are treated each year for football-related injuries. Football injuries are usually sprains, strains and contusions (bruises), mainly in the lower extremities. head injuries caused by collisions were head to head, or hitting his head on the goalpost. Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of these sports.
Flatland BMX is the more technical style of riding. Flatlanders do tricks on your
Bicycle smooth and flat pieces of asphalt, which is where the style is named. That
It requires great balance, agility and patience. A bicycle is used has a flat landing or
two sticks to the sides of the wheels, which is used to hold the pilot's body in place. Falls can
cause injury, especially on the head.
Hundreds of children under 15 are treated each year for football-related injuries.
Football injuries are usually sprains, strains and contusions (bruises), mainly in the
lower extremities. head injuries caused by collisions were head to head, or
hitting his head on the goalpost.
Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of these sports.