September 2018 1 89 Report
Text for questions number 6 to 10
Kerinci Seblat National Park
Kerinci Seblat National Park is the
largest national park in Sumatr, Indonesia.
It is located in Jambi. It has a total area
of 13,791 Km2. It spans for proviences,
namely West Sumtra< Jambi, Bengkulu
and South Sumatra
The park is home to diversity of flora and
fauna. Over 4,000 plant species have been
identified to date in the park area, including
the world’s largest flower, Rafflesia Arnoldi,
and the plant with the largest unbranched
inflorescence, the titan arum. The fauna
include Sumatran Tigers and the park is
recognized under the Global Tiger Initiative
as one of the 12 most important protected
areas in the world for tiger conservation.
a recent study shows that the Kerinci Seblat
National Park In Central Sumatra has the
highest population of tiergs on the island,
estimated to be 165-190 individuals
6. What does the text describe about?
a. Tourism Object
b. Flora and fauna
c. Sumatra province
d. Famous historical building
e. Famous flower in the world
7. What is the general identification in the text?
a. The total area of the park is 13,791 km2
b. The fauna in the park includes the Sumatran Tigers
c. There is the world’s largest flower, Rafflesia arnoldi in the park
d. The largest national park in Sumatra is Kerinci Seblat National Park.
e. Over 4,000 plant species have been identified to date in the park area.
8. Which of the following sentence is INCORRECT based on the text?
a. The park can reach West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra.
b. Recently, the population of Sumatran tiger is almost extinct
c. Kerinci Seblat National Park is located in Jambi.
d. The Titan Arum has no branched inflorescence
e. Sumatran Tigers are protected animals.
9. “It spans four provinces,....” (first paragraph)
What is the synonym of the word “span”?
a. Differ
b. Reach
c. Divide
d. Spread
e. Consist
10. “...the plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence....” (second paragraph)
What does the word inflorescence” mean?
a. Anything about flowers
b. Flowers begin to blossom
c. The plant has much flowers
d. The plant has no flowers and branchs
e. The composing of flowers on the stalks
Ada lagi nih..tlong dibantu yaa:)
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