Madura adalah salah satu pulau yang ada di jawa timur indonesia, madura terdiri dari empat kabupaten antara lain Bangkalan, sampang, pamekasan dan sumenep. Sumenep merupakan kabupaten yang paling banyak pulaunya daripada kabupaten yang lain seperti pulau Ra’as, pulau Kangeyan, pulau Poteran, pulau Gili Genting, pulau Gilingan dan Gili Raja. Dahulu kala terjadilah perang dunia ke 2 terdahsyat di Eropa. Ada seekor buaya raksasa dari benua Eropa mencari tempat perlindungan yang aman itupun sampai di selat Madura. Selat Madura tergolong selat yang dangkal, karena dangkal inilah Buaya tidak bisa menenggelamkan seluruh anggota badanya. Pada saat bersamaan datanglah tentara Belanda yang ingin menguasai indonesia di malam hari. Tubuh Buaya yang terapung diatas laut seperti kapal perang yang terlihat di malam hari. Tentara Belanda pun menyerang Buaya itu dengan peluru dan senapan altelerinya dan akhirnya Buaya raksasa itu mati. Keesokan harinya bangkai Buaya itu ditimbuni oleh sampah yang terbawa arus, akhirnya jadilah daratan yang di kenal dengan nama GILI RAJA.
qinthaMadura is one of the existing islands in East Java Indonesia, Madura consists of four districts including Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep. Sumenep a district that island than most other districts such as Ra'as island, island Kangeyan, Poteran island, Gili Genting, Gili island mill and King. Once upon a time there was a world war 2 most powerful in Europe. There is a giant crocodile from the European continent looking for a place safe refuge rose up in the Madura Strait. Strait Madura Strait classified shallow, as shallow this crocodile can not sink the whole badanya members. In the same time came the Dutch soldiers who want to master Indonesia at night. Crocodile body floating above the sea like a ship war is seen at night. The Dutch army attacked the crocodile with bullets and guns altelerinya and finally the giant crocodile was dead. day The next crocodile carcasses were filled in by waste-borne flow, ultimately be land known by the name GILI KING.
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Madura is one of the islands in Indonesia east of Java, Madura consists of four districts including Bangkalan, lacquer, Pamekasan and Sumenep. Sumenep is the most widely island district than other districts such as Ra'as island, island Kangeyan, Poteran island, Gili Genting, Gili island mill and King. Once upon a time there was a world war 2 most powerful in Europe. There is a giant crocodile from the European continent looking for a place safe refuge rose up in the Madura Strait. Strait Madura Strait classified shallow, as shallow this crocodile can not sink the whole badanya members. At the same time came the Dutch soldiers who want to master Indonesia at night. Crocodile body floating above the sea like a ship war is seen at night. The Dutch army attacked the crocodile with bullets and guns altelerinya and finally the giant crocodile was dead. The next day was filled in by a crocodile carcasses litter-borne flow, ultimately be land known by the name GILI KING.
in East Java Indonesia, Madura consists of four districts including
Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep. Sumenep a district that
island than most other districts such as Ra'as island, island
Kangeyan, Poteran island, Gili Genting, Gili island mill and King.
Once upon a time there was a world war
2 most powerful in Europe. There is a giant crocodile from the European continent looking for a place
safe refuge rose up in the Madura Strait. Strait Madura Strait classified
shallow, as shallow this crocodile can not sink the whole
badanya members.
the same time came the Dutch soldiers who want to master
Indonesia at night. Crocodile body floating above the sea like a ship
war is seen at night. The Dutch army attacked the crocodile
with bullets and guns altelerinya and finally the giant crocodile was dead.
The next crocodile carcasses were filled in by waste-borne
flow, ultimately be land known by the name GILI KING.
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