Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris : disebutkan bahwasanya ibu dari bapak dahlan telah meninggal dunia pada pukul 8 malam dini hari disebabkan oleh serangan jantung dan terpeleset di lantai kamar mandi yang terletak di belakang rumah , sedangkan ibu mardiah berada sendirian di dalam rumah sehingga tidak ada yang sempat menolong . kisah ini di sampaikan oleh bambang budiono
Mentioned that the mother of Mr. Dahlan has died at 8 pm dawn caused by a heart attack and slipped on the bathroom floor which is located behind the house, while Mrs. Mardiah was alone in the house so that no one could help. This story conveyed by Bambang Budiono.
Artinya adalah.. mentioned that the mother of Mr. Dahlan has died at 8 pm dawn caused by a heart attack and slipped on the bathroom floor which is located behind the house, while Mrs. Mardiah was alone in the house so that no one could help. This story conveyed by Bambang Budiono....
mentioned that the mother of Mr. Dahlan has died at 8 pm dawn caused by a heart attack and slipped on the bathroom floor which is located behind the house, while Mrs. Mardiah was alone in the house so that no one could help. This story conveyed by Bambang Budiono....