Terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris penyebab global warming adalah berkurang nya lapisan ozon di atmosfer . hal in terjadi karena gas rumah kaca yang berlebihan. sehingga gas ini merusak lapisan ozon. dan sinar matahari lansung menembus bumi. jika lapisab ozon sudah tidak ada maka orang yang terkena sinar matahari akan kanker kulit. Cara mencegah nya adalah menanam pohon dan mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar.
madarobito83global warming is the cause of his diminished ozone layer in the atmosphere. that in the case because of excessive greenhouse gases. so that these gases destroy the ozone layer. and direct sunlight penetrates the earth. if there is no ozone lapisab then people will be exposed to the sun skin cancer. The way to prevent it is to plant trees and reduce fuel consumption.
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Causes of global warming is reduction in the ozone layer at the atmosphere. This happened because excessive greenhouse gasses. So these gasses destroy the ozone layer. and direct sunlight penetrates the earth. if the ozone layer no longer exist then people who exposed by the sun will be get skin cancer. The way to prevent that is to plant trees and reduced using the fuel.