Terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris,,,,, pada pagi hari saya bangun dan langsung ke kamar mandi dan setelah itu saya mandi setelah mandi saya memasang baju sekolah dan langsung memasang sepatu dan tas untuk pergi ke sekolah,saya pun memakan sarapan dan berangkat,, tolong dong
In the morning I woke up and went straight to the bathroom and after that I took a shower after I put on my school clothes and immediately put my shoes and bags to go to school, I ate breakfast and left
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In the morning, i'm wake up and go to the bathroom and then i wash ny body and then i wearing my school uniform and my shoes and my bag for going to school, i eating my breakfast and go to dchool.
mungkin gitu. aku ga pandai banget untuk inggris