Terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris ! = Saya tidak hadir di sekolah dua hari karena diare dan sakit perut karena mengkonsumsi pil diet yang diberikan ibu saya dan ibu saya disarankan oleh apotek terdekat. karena tidak ada reaksi meminum obat diet tersebut ibu saya menambahkan dosis yang biasa saya meminum satu kapsul sehari, menjadi dua kapsul sehari yaitu dengan meminum siang dan malam.. dan reaksi obat diet tersebut dengan jangka 10 jam maka akan terjadi buang air besar. dan saya di beri obat oleh ibu saya yaitu dengan meminumkan jamu dan obat dengan jangka waktu yang berbeda
I did not attend school for two days because of diarrhea and abdominal pain due to consuming diet pills given to mothersme and my mom suggested by the pharmacy closest to you. Since no reaction took the diet drugs my mother add the usual doses I took one capsule a day, into two capsules a day with drinking day and night.. and the diet drug reactions with a 10-hour period then it will happen to defecate. and I give a drug by my mother that is by taking herbs and medication with a different time period
maaf ya kk kalo itu salah :d
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I was not present at the school two days due to diarrhea and abdominal pain due to taking diet pills given my mother and my mother suggested by the nearest pharmacy. because there is no reaction to the diet drug taking my mother added my usual dose take one capsule a day, to two capsules a day is by drinking day and night .. and the diet drug reactions with 10-hour period, there will be a bowel movement. and I was given medication by my mother that the herbal medicine to drink and drugs with different durations
maaf ya kk kalo itu salah :d