Terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris! Daur hidup kupu-kupu dimulai dari telur. Telur kupu-kupu biasanya berada di permukaan daun. Telur kemudian menetas menjadi ulat . Ulat makan selama berhari-hari, lama kelamaan ulat behenti makan, ulat mulai berubah menjadi kepompong. Masa kepompong berlangsung selama berhari- hari. Jika telah sempurna, kupu-kupu keluar dari kepompong. Kupu-kupu dewasa berkembang biak dengan bertelur. Dari telur itu, proses metamorfosis dimulai lagi.
sitaysaryButterfly life cycle starts from the eggs . eggs butterflies are usually located on the surface leaves . The eggs then hatch into caterpillars . Caterpillars eat for days , long Eventually behenti eating caterpillars , worms began turned into a cocoon . Pupal period lasts over a number of day . If you have a perfect , butterflies out from the cocoon . Adult butterflies reproduce by laying eggs . of eggs it , the process of metamorphosis begins again .
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Butterfly life cycle starts from the eggs. The butterfly eggs usually be in the leaf surface. The eggs will hatch and become a caterpillar. The caterpillar eat for days. Later, the caterpillar will stop eating, the caterpillar start to metamorphose and become pupa. Pupa period go on days. If it's already perfect, the butterfly will come out from pupa. Adult butterfly multiply by spawn it's egg. From those egg, metamorphose process will start again
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