Terjemahin dong,,.,,,. saat saya berkunjung ke pantai pandawa,disana suasananya cukup panas,dan saat ingin berjalan ke pantainya harus melewati jalan yg tinggi seperti jurang dan berlikaliki,di sisi jalan itu terdapat patung 5 pandawa dan yg lainnya,jika sudah berada di pantainya pasti terasa sangat bagus karna pasir putih dan suara ombak yg bergencangan ,disana juga ada perahu(kano) yg bisa di sewa rp.10000 untuk di gunakan berperahu ke dalam pantai di sana,dan tidak hanya itu saja disana terdapat banyak dagang oleh2 seperti kaos bali,gantungan kunci,dll,jika ingin berkunjung kemari jangan lupa memakak kaos tipi karena sangat lumayan panas.
muthiasahrawhen I visited pandawa beach, where the atmosphere is quite hot, and when you want to walk to the beaches must pass road berlikaliki tall as the ravine and, on the side of the road there are statues and other distinguished pandawa 5, if it is located on its shores must have seemed very nice because the white sand and the sound of the waves that bergencangan, there is also a boat (canoe) which can be rent rp.10000 for use boating into the beach there, and not only that there are many trade oleh2 like bali shirts, key chains, etc., if you want to visit here do not forget memakak shirt tipi because it is quite hot.
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When I visited pandawa beach, where the atmosphere is quite hot, and when you want to walk to the beaches must pass roadberlikaliki tall as the ravine and, on the side of the road there are statues and other distinguished pandawa 5, if it is located on its shores must have seemed very nice because the white sand and the sound of the waves, there is also a boat (canoe) which can be rent rp.10000 for in use the boat to the beach there, and not only that there are many such trade by the bali t-shirts, key chains, etc., if you want to visit here do not forget to wear a thin shirt because it is quite hot.
berlikaliki tall as the ravine and, on the side of the road there are statues and other distinguished pandawa 5, if it is located on its shores must have seemed very nice because the white sand and the sound of the waves that bergencangan, there is also a boat (canoe) which can be rent rp.10000 for use boating into the beach there, and not only that there are many trade oleh2 like bali shirts, key chains, etc., if you want to visit here do not forget memakak shirt tipi because it is quite hot.