October 2019 2 117 Report
Terjemahin dialog dibawah ini .

Carol: Viktor, Hi, what a surprise.

Viktor: Hi, Carol, how are you feeling now? Better?

Carol: Yeah, a bit, but the doctor said I still need to watch my diet and not to push myself to do housework too hard.

V: Well, you'd better listen to him. So, when will you be discharged ?

C: Tomorrow if my condition is stable. By the way, Viktor, how many days have I been absent ? I lost count.

V: Let me see. I think ...hm one....five... six... yeah six days.

C: Oh, no, have you submitted the assignment on writing essay about Biology thing? I haven't done it

V: I have, yesterday, well, Mr. Dudung said you can give it to her when you're back to school.

C: No, no, it's too long. I'll try to get it done today or at least tomorrow then can you help me submitting it?

V: Sure, Carol, but since I'm here and free now. Shall I just help you do it instead so that you won't be too tired later?

C: That'll be very nice of you, Viktor. Thank you.

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