1. You: I don't know what to do Sir. I have to pay school fees but my mom at the hospital to have surgery.
Teacher: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your mom get well soon. Don't worry about school fees, I can help you to talk to the school administrator.
2. You: Hey! Why you keep in silent? What's wrong?
Your friend: Well, I split with Pandu last night. He said that he was bored with me and start to loves another girl. I was so sad and angry with him. I'm crying all night long. I don't know what to do. Why he is so mean to me?
You: Ooh dear... If he do that on purpose, so he was not good for you. So, that relationship was not worth it for you. Forget him and be strong! You still have us! Your bestfriend! Be positive and be happy with us from now!
Your friend: Oooh thankyou... You're my very best friend. You're right, I'll forget him and be happy with you guys!
Teacher: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your mom get well soon. Don't worry about school fees, I can help you to talk to the school administrator.
2. You: Hey! Why you keep in silent? What's wrong?
Your friend: Well, I split with Pandu last night. He said that he was bored with me and start to loves another girl. I was so sad and angry with him. I'm crying all night long. I don't know what to do. Why he is so mean to me?
You: Ooh dear... If he do that on purpose, so he was not good for you. So, that relationship was not worth it for you. Forget him and be strong! You still have us! Your bestfriend! Be positive and be happy with us from now!
Your friend: Oooh thankyou... You're my very best friend. You're right, I'll forget him and be happy with you guys!