Tentukan abstract,orientasi,crisis,reaction dari cerita dibawah ini *******please..? Supir Taksi

Susi harus bekerja sampai larut malam dikantornya. Ketika ingin pulang Susi menyetop taksi untuk mengantarnya pulang. “Kebon Jeruk ya Pak“ Sopir taksi itu hanya menggangguk, selama perjalanan tidak terjadi percakapan antara Susi dan Sopir Taksi, mungkin Susi merasa capek karena bekerja sampai larut malam. 20 menit lamanya keheningan terjadi, tiba-tiba Susi ingat bahwa uang yang dibawanya kurang untuk membayar ongkos taksi.
Susi lalu menepuk pundak Sopir taksi dengan maksud berhenti dulu didepan untuk mengambil uang di ATM. Tapi tiba-tiba setelah pundaknya ditepuk oleh Susi Sopir taksi itu secara membabi buta membanting setirnya ke kanan kemudian ke kiri sambil berteriak secara histeris, sampai akhirnya taksi itu menabrak sebuah pohon.
Untung Susi dan Sopir Taksinya tidak mengalami luka yang cukup parah. Sopir Taksi itu kemudian meminta maaf kepada Susi.
“Maaf ya Bu, Ibu nggak apa-apa? Ibu sih make nepuk pundak saya, kagetnya setengah mati bu!!”
“Lho, masa sih ditepuk pundaknya aja kaget??
“Soalnya ini hari pertama saya jadi sopir Taksi, Bu”
“Emangnya pekerjaan bapak sebelumnya apa??“
“Selama 20 tahun saya jadi SOPIR MOBIL JENAZAH”
Susi had to work till late at night dikantornya. When he wanted to go home, so he stopped the cab to Susi home. "Kebon Jeruk Yes Sir" taxi driver it's just menggangguk, during the trip didn't happen a conversation between Susi and taxi driver, perhaps tired because of work feel Susi until late at night. 20-minute length of silence occurs, suddenly Susi remember that money brings less to pay the taxi fare.
Susi then patted the shoulders of the taxi driver with the intention of quitting once before to take the money in CASH. but suddenly after shoulder ditepuk by Susi taxi driver it is blindly slammed the wheels to the right then to the left while screaming hysterically, until finally in a taxi that crashed into a tree.
Fortunately the Taxi Driver and Susi does not suffer severe injuries. The taxi driver was later apologized to Susi.
"Excuse me Ma'am, I do nothing? MOM still make nepuk my shoulder, half-dead kagetnya bu!! "
"Why, the hell ditepuk aja shoulder startled??
"Because it's my first day so the taxi driver, Bu"
Susi then patted the shoulders of the taxi driver with the intention of quitting once before to take the money in CASH. but suddenly after shoulder ditepuk by Susi taxi driver it is blindly slammed the wheels to the right then to the left while screaming hysterically, until finally in a taxi that crashed into a tree.
Fortunately the Taxi Driver and Susi does not suffer severe injuries. The taxi driver was later apologized to Susi.
"Excuse me Ma'am, I do nothing? MOM still make nepuk my shoulder, half-dead kagetnya bu!! "
"Why, the hell ditepuk aja shoulder startled??
"Because it's my first day so the taxi driver, Bu"
"Mr jobs previously Emangnya what??"
"For 20 years I am so the DRIVER of the HEARSE"