There is some many dogs in the world , some of them are alone , dont have any familly or house so then can eat something and also have love.
badly, we live in the dramastic world , people dont care about all animals specially pourly dogs , we can see whats happing to them in the interntet or from the news. people hurt them they , sometimes they just kiled them because they dont want them anymore, its beeter when you put them in public dogs house and live with the thoughts that you didnt do noting wrong.
There is some many dogs in the world , some of them are alone , don't have any family or house so then can eat something and also have love., we live in the dramastic world , people dont care about all animals specially pourly dogs , we can see whats happing to them in the interntet or from the news. people hurt them they , sometimes they just kiled them because they dont want them anymore, its beeter when you put them in public dogs house and live with the thoughts that you didnt do noting wrong.
psy Istnieją pewnewiele psówna świecie,niektóre z nichsą sami, nie mogą mieć rodzinylubdomu, aby następniemożnacoś zjeść imiećmiłość.żyjemy wdrastycznymświecie,ludzie niedbają o wszystkie zwierzętaspecjalniepsów,możemyzobaczyć co najwyżejwinterntetlubod nowości.ludziboliich, żeczasamipo prostu zabijająbo niechcąjuż ich, lepiejkiedy można umieścićje w publicznychdomupsy iżyć zmyślami, żenie zrobiłeśzauważyćźle.
There is some many dogs in the world , some of them are alone , dont have any familly or house so then can eat something and also have love.
badly, we live in the dramastic world , people dont care about all animals specially pourly dogs , we can see whats happing to them in the interntet or from the news. people hurt them they , sometimes they just kiled them because they dont want them anymore, its beeter when you put them in public dogs house and live with the thoughts that you didnt do noting wrong.
There is some many dogs in the world , some of them are alone , don't have any family or house so then can eat something and also have love., we live in the dramastic world , people dont care about all animals specially pourly dogs , we can see whats happing to them in the interntet or from the news. people hurt them they , sometimes they just kiled them because they dont want them anymore, its beeter when you put them in public dogs house and live with the thoughts that you didnt do noting wrong.
Istnieją pewne wiele psów na świecie, niektóre z nich są sami, nie mogą mieć rodziny lub domu, aby następnie można coś zjeść i mieć miłość. żyjemy w drastycznym świecie, ludzie nie dbają o wszystkie zwierzęta specjalnie psów, możemy zobaczyć co najwyżejw interntet lub od nowości. ludzi boli ich, że czasami po prostu zabijają bo nie chcą już ich, lepiej kiedy można umieścić je w publicznych domu psy i żyć z myślami, że nie zrobiłeś zauważyć źle.