Teman.. saya butuh bantuan.. tolong bantu buatkan saya sebuah biografi text dari seorang tokoh terkemuka dalam bahasa inggris dan juga tolong buatkan 5 buah pertanyaan dari bentuk objektif 'a,b,c,d,e' ya ^^ saya sangat mengharapakan bantuan dari kalian semua.. sekian.. terima kasih
Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat, as known as Ki Hajar Dewantara, was born in Pakualaman, on 2 May 1889. He is an Indonesia activist, politician, and pioneer of education. His birth date is now commemorated in Indonesia as National Education Day.Ki Hajar Dewantara attended Europeesche Lagere School (ELS). After graduating from ELS, he went to STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school) in Batavia to continue his study. But, he could not finish the school due to his illness.
Ki Hajar Dewantara worked as a writer and journalist in various newspaper. He also active in social and political organizations. He was active in the propaganda section to socialize and arouse public awareness of Indonesia (especially Java) about the importance of unity in the nation. The first congress in Yogyakarta Boedi Utomo was organized by him.
When the Dutch government intends to collect donations for the celebration of Dutch independence from France in 1913, he wrote "Satu untuk semua, semua untuk satu" (Een Ook voor Allen Allen). His most famous writing is "Seandainya Aku Seorang Belanda" (Als ik een Nederlander was) and was published in the newspaper De Expres. Because of his writing, he was arrested by the Dutch government and was exiled to Pulau Bangka.
On July 3, 1922, Ki Hajar Dewantara established Taman Siswa. a school that emphasizes the nationality as Indonesian. His slogan "tut wuri handayani, ing madya mangun karsa, ing ngarsa sungtulada now used as education slogan in Indonesia. He was awarded as the Father of National Education and as a National Hero by the president Sukarno. In addition, the government also set the date of his birth as National Education Day. Ki Hadjar Dewantara died on April 26, 1959 at Yogyakarta and buried at the Brata Wijaya.
Ki Hajar Dewantara worked as a writer and journalist in various newspaper. He also active in social and political organizations. He was active in the propaganda section to socialize and arouse public awareness of Indonesia (especially Java) about the importance of unity in the nation. The first congress in Yogyakarta Boedi Utomo was organized by him.
When the Dutch government intends to collect donations for the celebration of Dutch independence from France in 1913, he wrote "Satu untuk semua, semua untuk satu" (Een Ook voor Allen Allen). His most famous writing is "Seandainya Aku Seorang Belanda" (Als ik een Nederlander was) and was published in the newspaper De Expres. Because of his writing, he was arrested by the Dutch government and was exiled to Pulau Bangka.
On July 3, 1922, Ki Hajar Dewantara established Taman Siswa. a school that emphasizes the nationality as Indonesian. His slogan "tut wuri handayani, ing madya mangun karsa, ing ngarsa sungtulada now used as education slogan in Indonesia. He was awarded as the Father of National Education and as a National Hero by the president Sukarno. In addition, the government also set the date of his birth as National Education Day. Ki Hadjar Dewantara died on April 26, 1959 at Yogyakarta and buried at the Brata Wijaya.