Hi guys i wannna tell you about the activity in my family. we ussually wake up in the morning at (jawab sendiri ya jam nya) o'clock. i go to school at (jawab sendiri) am. my dad goes to work at(jawab sendiri) o'clock. my family ussualy take a breakfast at (jawab sndiri) O'clock. after school i study, untill my dad is home. we eat dinner at (jawab sendiri) o'clock. thats my familiy's activities thank you......
we ussually wake up in the morning at (jawab sendiri ya jam nya) o'clock.
i go to school at (jawab sendiri) am. my dad goes to work at(jawab sendiri) o'clock.
my family ussualy take a breakfast at (jawab sndiri) O'clock. after school i study, untill my dad is home. we eat dinner at (jawab sendiri) o'clock. thats my familiy's activities thank you......