Mendekripsikan tentang ayah saya..."Saya inigin mendekripsikan tentang ayah saya dia berusia 37 tahun dengan kulit sawo matang.tinggi sekitar 168 cm dan juga memiliki rambut panjang tapi untuk sementara. ayah saya bekerja perusahaan minyak bekerja dibagian lapangan, dia menghabiskan waktu empat minggu di lokasi, tapi setelah itu dia juga mendapatkan istirahat empat minggu.ayah saya sangat senang memasak terutama nasi goreng, nasi goreng yang dia buat sangat lezat saya sangat menyukainya.Disisi lain Ayah saya selalu mengajarkan anak-anaknya bagaimana hendak membuat hubungan dengan orang-orang di sekitar lingkungan kita, .bagi saya ayah saya adalah sosok terbaik dan selalu memberikan inspirasi bagi masa depan saya dan keluarga. Saya Mencintai Ayah Saya". (Mohon Bantuannya Ya. Tugas praktek bahasa inggris kalimatnya di ubah dalam bentuk bahasa inggris dan menggunakan gramar / tata bahasa yang baik ). kalau ada yang mau memberi tambahan juga boleh..Terima kasih.
chikitaI want to describe my father, he is 37 years old with a tan skin. His height is about 168 cm and has a long hair also. But for a moment, my father did his job in the an oil company, he spent 4 weeks on that location. But after that he got a rest for 4 weeks also. My father really like to cook especially fried rice, the fried rice that he made's so delicious, i really love it. In the other side, my father always teach his children how to make the good relation with the people around us. For me, Father is a best person and someone that always give the inspiration for my future and my family. I love my father.
DindaFakhriyyahI want to describe my father, he is 37 years old with a tan skin. His height is about 168 cm and has a long hair also. But for a moment, my father did his job in the an oil company, he spent 4 weeks on that location. But after that he got a rest for 4 weeks also. My father really like to cook especially fried rice, the fried rice that he made so delicious, i really love it. In the other side, my father always teach his children how to make the good relation with the people around us. For me, Father is a best person and someone that always give the inspiration for my future and my family. I love my father.