April 2019 2 28 Report
Task 1
Read the dialog then answer the questions!

A man stops another man the street and asks for directions.

Jodi : Excuse me. I'm looking for the ITT building. Can you tell me how to get there from here?
Juki : I'm new in town myself. I don't know. Sorry.
Jodi : OK. Thanks anyway.

(He stops and asks a passerby)

Jodi : Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the ITT building. Do you know where it is?
Sari : Let me think ... yes! Do you see the tall building there?
Jodi : Yes, I do.
Sari : It's on the other side of that building, Go straight down the street here four more blocks to Mercy Street. Turn left on Mercy and go up a block. This is the 3rd Avenue, The ITT building is on the corner of 4th Avenve and Mercy Street.
Jodi : Thank you. I think I'll be able to find it now.
Sari : You're welcome.

1. What does Jodi want to find?
2. How many people are involved in the dialog?
3. Who gives the direction to Jodi?
4. Why doesn't Juki give direction to Jodi?
5. Where is the ITT building exactly located on Mercy Street?

Tlong di jawab

Life Enjoy

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