Szukam kogoś dobrego z anglika coby mi sprawdził króciutką bajkę :)
Once upon a time - we don't know where and when - in a big castle lived Fiona with her pupils - three dragons and hers had nine frogs - three for one dragon. They had calm and rich life, bacause girl had enormous treasure. They were going (went?) to library every Tuesday and Thursday. There they were learning and reading books about cakes, muffins, cupakes and simillar. Once upon a time poor boy appeared in the library. Fiona took him to her castle. Syhe washed him, gave him clothes and fed him. Then he smiled to Fiona and left building. Eight months later he visited her and gave her new dresses - first green with red dots and second pink with white stripes and big white bow! She said "Thank you" and kissed him. They lived hapilly ever and had children who want to be confectioner. <3
1. "hers had" jest błędnie - zamień to na and she has got nine frogs - three for one of dragons; 3. They go to library, bo to jest rutuna. 4. Zamiast "they were learning" - "they learn"
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Dzięki... ale to ma być przeszł więc jak ma być w present simple? chyba nie może!
musi być bo napisałaś że chodzą w każdą środę i czwartek
3. They go to library, bo to jest rutuna.
4. Zamiast "they were learning" - "they learn"