Susunan pertanyaan wawancaradengan petani, mengreport tugas bahasa inggris
1. When did you start farming? Did you grow up on a farm? 2. What brought you into farming (i.e. inheritance)? 3. Are there any differences between your farm now and your farm when you were a kid? 4. What chores did you have growing up on the farm? 5. What was the biggest change you encountered during your years farming? 6. What would you say have been the biggest changes you've implemented on your own farm since you've been farming here? Do they correspond with what you think the biggest changes have been in the industry during that time? 7. What changes have you seen in the business aspect of farming in your lifetime? 8. Has it been viewed as more of a business for you, or a lifestyle choice? Some combination of the both? 9. What roles did the members of your family play in farming? Did everyone work on the farm or did people have off farm employment? 10. How has labor on the farm changed from when you started until now? What machines have had the biggest impact? 11. How have advances in technology such as, machinery, genetics, or chemicals, affected your farm or competition with your farm? 12. As the divide between large and small farms has grown, how has your operation adjusted? 13. Have you found that it's harder now than before to maintain this livelihood? 14. Have you observed changes in the number, size and type of farms that are found your immediate locale? What is your attitude toward any trends you may have noticed? 15. Have you ever considered getting out of agriculture for a more lucrative career? If so, what type of work did you think you might want to do? 16. How do you see your role in the community?
2. What brought you into farming (i.e. inheritance)?
3. Are there any differences between your farm now and your farm when you were a kid?
4. What chores did you have growing up on the farm?
5. What was the biggest change you encountered during your years farming?
6. What would you say have been the biggest changes you've implemented on your own farm since you've been farming here? Do they correspond with what you think the biggest changes have been in the industry during that time?
7. What changes have you seen in the business aspect of farming in your lifetime?
8. Has it been viewed as more of a business for you, or a lifestyle choice? Some combination of the both?
9. What roles did the members of your family play in farming? Did everyone work on the farm or did people have off farm employment?
10. How has labor on the farm changed from when you started until now? What machines have had the biggest impact?
11. How have advances in technology such as, machinery, genetics, or chemicals, affected your farm or competition with your farm?
12. As the divide between large and small farms has grown, how has your operation adjusted?
13. Have you found that it's harder now than before to maintain this livelihood?
14. Have you observed changes in the number, size and type of farms that are found your immediate locale? What is your attitude toward any trends you may have noticed?
15. Have you ever considered getting out of agriculture for a more lucrative career? If so, what type of work did you think you might want to do?
16. How do you see your role in the community?