5 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz spośród dwóch podanych kursywą. 1. The first witness will be heard/listened soon. 2. After the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to shut down/of my company. 3. I hope that the inflation rate/trade will be reduced soon. 4. Mr O’Leary was accused of trade/tax evasion. 5. The manufacturing sector has the most childcare/child labour. 6. There are ten new officials/suspects in our district office.
1. The first witness will be heard soon.
2. After the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to shut down my company.
3. I hope that the inflation rate will be reduced soon.
4. Mr O’Leary was accused of tax evasion.
5. The manufacturing sector has the most child labour.
6. There are ten new officials in our district office.
be heard - być wysłuchanym (w sądzie)
shut down - zamknąc np. zakład pracy
inflation rate - stopa inflacji, wskaźnik inflacji
tax evasion - uchylanie się od płacenia podatków
child labour - dziecięca siła robocza
official - urzędnik, urzędniczka, funkcjonariusz