Itu tentang pendapatmu 1. pendapatmu tentang nyontek selama ulanga 2. olahraga teratur 3. narkoba yang dikonsumsi sama anak muda di indonesia 4. korupsi di indonesia 5. pelajaran bhasa inggris di sklhmu 6. murid yg merokok 7. apakah kamu setuju dengan menghabiskan waktu senggangmu dengan nntn 8. pendapat tentang U-19 9. perasaanmu kalo melihat seseorang membuang sampah di sungai 10. tentang bullying
1. i think, cheating during exam is not good because we have to do our exam by ourself 2. in my opinion, exercise regular is great for our body because its healthy 3. i think it's not good for our body if we consume drugs too much and it'll give bad impacts for our future 4,5- 6. i think, the students that smoke is killing theirselves slowly because smoke is bad for our healthy
7. i don't agree because i think it's better if we spend our spare time doing something more important than watching tv 8- 9. i feel so sad because river is not a place to throw a rubbish 10. in my opinion, bullying is not good because it can give bad impacts for the victim of bullying
1. pendapatmu tentang nyontek selama ulanga
2. olahraga teratur
3. narkoba yang dikonsumsi sama anak muda di indonesia
4. korupsi di indonesia
5. pelajaran bhasa inggris di sklhmu
6. murid yg merokok
7. apakah kamu setuju dengan menghabiskan waktu senggangmu dengan nntn
8. pendapat tentang U-19
9. perasaanmu kalo melihat seseorang membuang sampah di sungai
10. tentang bullying