Napisz e-mail o przyjacielu/przyjaciółce lub o kimś z rodziny. Zamieść w nim informacje zawarte w ćwiczeniu 4. Możesz wzorować się na e-mailu z ćwiczenia 1., jednak uważaj, aby poprawnie używać wielkich liter. Napisz też coś miłęgo o przyjacielu/przyjaciółce lub o kimś z rodziny. Cw 4.
1.Information about your family = the names of your brother ,sister and parents / lesson
2.A physical description = what look like / how nice you are
3. You and school = family / subject likes and dislikes
4. You daily routine = what you do every day / summer
Martiko1103 My best friend is Emilly .She is only 11 years Old and is wonderful Young lady . She has short brown hair , green eyes, alluring lips. When she smiles I forget sorrows . Emilly has a brother whose name is Sebastian and is six years old . It has a mom who is a very busy person living with them her grandfather . The girl goes to fifth class and diligently learns . Everyone calls her a nerd but she was not offended . Every day after school, she spend time on the playground chasing with the boys . Her daily routine is homework and looked after her grandfather .
My best friend is Emilly .She is only 11 years Old and is wonderful Young lady . She has short brown hair , green eyes, alluring lips. When she smiles I forget sorrows . Emilly has a brother whose name is Sebastian and is six years old . It has a mom who is a very busy person living with them her grandfather . The girl goes to fifth class and diligently learns . Everyone calls her a nerd but she was not offended . Every day after school, she spend time on the playground chasing with the boys . Her daily routine is homework and looked after her grandfather .