October 2018 1 20 Report

Zad. 1 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1. A The restaurant was so/such expensive.

B I know. But the food was so/such delicious!

2. How/What an amazing concert!

B You're right. It's so/such a fantastic band.

3. A Jessica gave me so/such an original present. She paid for me to have a sky-diving lesson.

B How/What exciting!

4. A Jamie has so/such a lot of friends.

B Yeah. It's because he's so/such funny.

Zad. 2 Uzupełnij zdania wyższym lub najwyższym stopniem podanego przysłówka.

1. Jack runs................(fast) in our class.

2. Lois travels...............(far) than anyone to school each day.

3. I work...............(well) when I'm not feeling tired.

4. I don't play football well, but you play.............(badly) than me!

5. Ben gets to school................(early) out of everyone.

6. I'm learing French, Italian and Spanish. Of the three languages, I speak Italian ............................(fluently).

Zad. 3 Uzupełnij tekst formami too i enought.

Hi Sara!

I'm on holiday, but I'm not having a very good time. The weather's (1)........... hot and everything's (2).......... expensive. The hotel is nice (3).............., but the staff are rude and the food isn't good (4)......... . The meals are always (5)......... cold or just plain tasteless. Everybody else is going on asightseeing trip tomorrow. But I'm (6)............ fed up to go. Can't wait to see you!

Zad. 4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby miało takie samo znaczenie, co zdanie pierwsze. Użyj podanego słowa w niezmienionej formie.

1. It's such a sunny day.



2. I'm better at swimming than any other sport.


Swimming is................sport.

3. I prefer going on activity holidays to beach holidays.


I like going on activity holidays..............beach holidays.

4. Camping is more fun than staying in a hotel.


Staying in a hotel................much fun as camping.

5. You're too young to go on holiday on your own.


You aren't.................. to go on holiday on your own.

6. That shop has cheaper CDs than any other shop round here.


That shop has...................CDs round here.

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