Subraye las palabras en comparativo y superlativo. De las siguientes frases, 1. Can you speak more slowly?, 2. He spoke more angrily than usual, 3. Please, listen more carefully, 4. They did the exercise more easily than the other students., 5. He types much more carelessly than her secretary, 6. Mum is the one that cooks the most quickly of the family, 7. The police appeared more suddenly than expected, 8. My French teacher is the one that speaks the most clearly of all French teachers at school, 9. She shouted more angrily than ever, 10. After the treatment he falls asleep more easily than before
danielriascos 1. Can you speak →more← slowly?, 2. He spoke →more← angrily →than← usual, 3. Please, listen →more← carefully, 4. They did the exercise →more← easily →than← the other students., 5. He types →much more← carelessly →than← her secretary, 6. Mum is the one that cooks the →most← quickly →of the← family, 7. The police appeared →more← suddenly →than← expected, 8. My French teacher is the one that speaks →the most← clearly of all French teachers at school, 9. She shouted more angrily than ever, 10. After the treatment he falls asleep more easily than before
1. Can you speak →more← slowly?,
2. He spoke →more← angrily →than← usual,
3. Please, listen →more← carefully,
4. They did the exercise →more← easily →than← the other students.,
5. He types →much more← carelessly →than← her secretary,
6. Mum is the one that cooks the →most← quickly →of the← family,
7. The police appeared →more← suddenly →than← expected,
8. My French teacher is the one that speaks →the most← clearly of all French teachers at school,
9. She shouted more angrily than ever,
10. After the treatment he falls asleep more easily than before